We are most happy to curate the ideal itinerary based on your preferences and interests. However, there are certain terms and conditions you should be aware of before booking the tour with us. Kindly read our policies regarding tour booking, payment terms, cancellation and refunds etc. Feel free to get back us if you require any further clarifications or like to know more details.


The tour will be booked successfully after making an advance payment of 20% of the tour amount. This is required to make preliminary logistic arrangements for the tour and blocking certain services.

Balance, 80% of the tour amount to be paid 60 days before the tour start date to fully confirm the tour. After, receiving this payment, we will make final pay-outs to all stakeholders for the tour.

Offbeat Adventure reserves the right to make last-mile changes to the group departures, tour price, itinerary, hotel, meal plan, transport or any other inclusions etc based on the specific circumstances. However, we will intimate you regarding the changes and guarantee that the change will not affect the smooth running of the whole tour.

Travel Insurance & Coverage

We recommend our guests to have travel insurance for a stress-free trip. It can help you deal with eventualities such as medical expenses abroad, flight-related complications, loss of baggage, cash assistance, personal liability, accident, evacuation during calamities etc. or anything which is not covered in the tour plan.

How To Pay & Book

We will quote the tour price in USD, GBP, Euro or INR. You can book the money transfer so that the equivalent amount quoted gets credited to our bank account.

Kindly remember to add the transaction charges levied by your bank or the intermediate bank while making the payment so that it doesn’t get deducted from the tour price at our end. Normally this happens in most cases as the travellers are not aware of the additional charges.

You can pay via direct bank transfer or make payments via online platforms like Paypal, Transferwise etc to our official bank account shared by our travel assistant.

You can also pay using a debit or credit card through a secured link send from our official bank application to your email address. However, there will be 4% additional credit card charges.

We will mail you the relevant proforma invoice for the advance as well as final payment and confirm receipt of the payment once we receive the amount to our bank account. The proforma invoice along with the payment confirmation email is to be considered as proof of booking/confirmation.

We don’t recommend cash transactions; however, we can resort to it if unavoidable or last minute.

Refund & Cancellation

We are happy to refund the tour price paid if you are not able to travel as planned as per the details below:

Full refund if the tour is cancelled before 90 Days of the tour start date. However, we will deduct a one-time refund charge. This is to cover the administrative and money transfer service charges.

Your tour can be rescheduled to a future date within one year if intimated before 90 Days of the tour start date with no extra cost. Postponing the tour beyond a year would require 10-15 % additional charges depending on the tour price.

  • 75% Refund if the tour is cancelled before 60 Days of the tour start date
  • 50% Refund if the tour is cancelled before 45 Days of the tour start date
  • 25% Refund if the tour is cancelled before 30 Days of the tour start date
  • 10% Refund if the tour is cancelled before 15 Days of the tour start date

Even though we have these timelines, we are flexible to act in the best interest of our guests as far as possible.


We formulate an ideal itinerary after many rounds of discussions with the guests. The discussions and decisions will be based on documents and online resources available to us. The experience or impression in the field might differ based on the perception of the guest.

Though we make sure to provide the best service and experience overall, we have limited legal control over the hotels, transporters and other stakeholders. Hence, Offbeat pedals will not be responsible for any unfavourable act from part of these third parties.

Though we try to organise all aspects of the tour with 100% perfection, there can be human errors at our end as well. We request you to go through all the information shared with you carefully, recheck and reconcile to your satisfaction.

The specific choice of meals at hotels or any special services will be accepted on request only. We will try to organise this as far as possible. However, we request guests to be liberal to understand the limited availability of resources at remote destinations and cooperate with the staff.

Though we will act for the best support of our guests, we have no control of the force majeure events such as political unrest, epidemics, natural disasters etc. It is advised to plan your travel after ascertaining risky situations if any.

Legal Framework

Offbeat Adventure is registered under the Department of Registration, Government of Kerala, Trivandrum and Ministry of Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises (Service Sector), Government of India. We come under the jurisdiction and law of the Government of India. Any complaints or grievances may be communicated to info@offbeatadventure.in or Department of Tourism if required.